Red Giant Spotted ! (The Red Rectangular Nebula)

Red Giant Spotted ! (The Red Rectangle Nebula) 

First discovered in 1973 the Red Rectangle Nebula is a particularly unusual formation that's around 2,000 light years away from earth. It had long been known that there was a binary star system in that region of space but it was only when it was properly imaged. 

Scientists realized that this was a stellar object like no other it's a surprisingly symmetrical bipolar nebula that almost looks like a cut gem floating in space. The main star at the center is in the last stages of life and is ejecting huge amounts of material including polycyclic hydrocarbons and silicate-rich dust which are responsible for its red color the ridges. 

Too suggest the star has been releasing matter and pulses which have been shifted by interstellar winds and the closeness of the ridges towards the center implies that the process is increasing in speed and it may not be too long until the star finally dies. 

What's mysterious about the Red Rectangle Nebula though is that most evidence that's needed to understand. How it formed is hidden behind the nebula itself so, the current theories about its existence are nothing more than an educated. 

Guess it's now being constantly watched though so, if any changes do occur scientists will be ready to analyze the new information.