After studying countless galaxies in the universe researchers have been able to put together general rules for their formation and what they should look like during various stages of their life cycles. While this understanding accounts for the vast majority of objects that are seen in the sky. There are some notable outliers with one of the strangest being Hoag's Object.
It's a galaxy that's around 600 million light years away from us but unusually it's a ring galaxy. These formations are rare enough but Hogue's Object doesn't seem to have formed in the same way as the others that have been discovered. Because it has a noticeable gap between the yellow core and the newer formed blue stars. Could this be evidence that there's a whole different type of galaxy formation that hasn't been accounted for in our understanding of the universe?
Is its distance away from us making it difficult to see its true nature or is this galaxy simply a random occurrence? Researchers are now scouring the skies to try to find another like it but so far it remains one of a kind.
What do you think is the Galaxies like this are existing near our galaxy or Not ?