The Mysterious Star found !

A Unknown Star solar system- Alien Species ?

(Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson A Note Bok

Freeman Dyson a theoretical Physicist released a paper titled 'Dyson sphere' in 1960. In his paper he believed that civilizations would have to think how to satisfy their rapidly ever-increasing energy demands on our own planet, the Earth.

Our energy consumption increases dramatically each year. If this trend is supposed to be continued then it is practically impossible to provide the energy demands needed for ever growing energy requirements of human race. 

The Mysterious Star found !

Dyson believed that the obvious conclusion is to build a giant sphere around a star, which would be able to absorb all the energy it emits. In theory if were to build it as far big as the earth orbiting around the Sun. Then we would be able to live on the inside surface and be able to collect all the energy we could possibly need. Of course this is a monumental feat of engineering to accomplish and it was really only a thought experiment rather than something in reality.

The Mysterious Star found !

He truly thought this could be possible in recent years with improving technology that allows us to look further into outer space. The human race has been on to discovering planets around stars other than our own. 

The Mysterious Star found !

To do this scientists measured the fluctuations in light that reaches us from a star and can infer the presence of a planet from how it changes the emerging light. But scientists made an incredible discovery in Tabby's star which is around 1470 light years away from earth, sometimes dims by as much as 22%. Which raises the question of 'What could be blocking it?' One of the leading theories is that there's a partially built Dyson sphere around it with the civilization responsible for constructing and already benefiting from the huge amounts of energy. 

Freeman Dyson

The star's strange behavior be truly the result of an Alien Megastructure or something we're yet to discover that causes the same effect only further studies will reveal the truth for sure.